Tish Non Community Center kitchen is Closed until further notice.
Bear Cub Program started 08/30/19 and will resume while school is in session. Pick up time will be on Fridays after 1 PM. Sign up at the front desk and sign out bags.
Bear River Food Service Program provides & prepares the following services to the Community.
• Deliver frozen meals, fresh fruit and/or vegetables to local Elders weekly.
• Bear Cub Program, providing all children under the age of 18 with a bag of kid friendly, easy to prepare meals for the weekend. These are provided weekly.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the programs we provide please do not hesitate to call (707)733-1900 ext.189
Contact Us
(707) 733-1900 Phone
(707) 733-1723 Fax
1-888-733-1900 Toll Free