

 Emergency Rent Assistance Program — Self Declaration Form

Basayo Village Court is currently accepting applications for a downstairs 2 bedroom 1 bath unit. All are welcome to apply. For more information contact by email housing@brb-nsn.gov or phone (707) 733-1900 ext 1231.


BRDC- Bear River Development Commission

BRDC is a committee that consists of 5 people that oversees all tribal housing matters. It is the goal of the committee to provide safe, decent, sanitary, and affordable housing to tribal members and their families.

BRDC Meetings are held Tuesday’s at 10 AM. Google Meet information can be obtained by contacting the Housing Department. For more information visit our Community Calendar and Facebook. 

Agenda submission deadline has been set for every Monday at 4:00 pm. If you have any questions please contact the Housing Department via email or phone for clarification.

Applications and information

Charmin Bailey

Housing director

Ext. 1231


Elizabeth Varelas

Housing Director assistant

Ext. 1228


Thomas Wallace

Housing Maintenance



U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 2020 adjusted home income limits for Humboldt County, CA 80% low-moderate income (LMI) are as follows;


Family size            Income

1                                                                    $39,150              

2                                                                    $44,750

3                                                                    $50,350

4                                                                    $55,900

5                                                                    $60,400

6                                                                    $64,850

7                                                                    $69,350

8                                                                    $73,800
